the good earth|the good earth in English


novel written by Pearl Buck that was published in 1931 telling the story of Wang Lung and his family

Use "the good earth|the good earth" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "the good earth|the good earth" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "the good earth|the good earth", or refer to the context using the word "the good earth|the good earth" in the English Dictionary.

1. The earth will grow good food for everyone.

2. But the good earth absorbs this river and it cannot be harmful.

3. A good autumn wind would bring the whole edifice crashing to earth.

4. Your example will have a powerful effect for good on the earth.

5. Good gracious! What on earth has happened to your feet?

6. Hundreds of thousands of people throughout the earth have accepted the good news.

7. The Alkaline-earth elements are highly metallic and are good conductors of electricity.

8. Balken Roofing has a continued commitment to being good stewards of the Earth

9. Aragonite is a good Earth healer, and encourages conservation of Earth's precious resources

10. It is “good news of a great joy that all the people will have” —earth wide.

11. “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.” —Matthew 24:14

12. But where our hearts truly lie... is in peace and quiet... and good, tilled earth.

13. The earth yielded Bountifully, and in time of temporary236 disaster fishing and hunting stood them in good stead

14. A paradise earth, a good home, plenty to eat, satisfying employment, perfect health, and total security.

15. It enables the good news to penetrate areas of the earth where people have few opportunities to hear the Kingdom message.

16. As a Mutable Earth sign, Virgo is reliable and quite the catch in terms of Zodiac love Compatibility. For the most part, Virgo is a good fit for Water and Earth signs

17. Crushes is a concept store that offers lifestyle and giftware alternatives that are good to the earth and her people

18. Cauliflower is considered by many to be one of the healthiest foods on Earth, and there is good reason why

19. Founded by two women on a quest to simplify their skincare routines using effective and trustworthy products, I+I ™ Botanicals expertly crafts formulations that are Good for the Body, Good for the Earth, and Good for the Soul.

20. (Deuteronomy 32:2) Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses are declaring the life-giving good news about God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth.

21. A good hour later, following numerous entanglements of rope in a tree, we arrived safely back to earth.

22. Of 10,000 stones (actually boulders) cut from Burma’s earth, there may be only one of really good quality.

23. Yes, we want to give her a good spiritual heritage of everlasting life in the coming Paradise here on earth. —Contributed.

24. And to the kings of the earth upon the earth.

25. (4) The “good news of the kingdom” is now being preached throughout the earth, signaling that “the end will come” soon. —Matthew 24:14.